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Camrose, Alberta T4V 2C4

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           Gardner College is an educational institution, and as such the College defines its mission as one of providing a strong academic program directed by a dedicated Christian faculty. The majority of a student’s time is spent in class or preparing for classes. However, since the overall development of a person includes the spiritual, physical, intellectual and social dimensions, extracurricular activities designed to meet the goal of total personal development are offered.


The opening days of each semester are spent in registration and orientation. Faculty members are available to counsel with the student in the selection of courses and programs. The student will be assigned a faculty advisor who will provide assistance and guidance in spiritual and educational development.


Gardner College has a Director of Guidance and Counselling trained to offer specialized counselling as may be necessary. Such counselling may be student, faculty or administration initiated. The counselling service is provided as a part of the service to students at no additional cost. Office hours are maintained and every effort to help the student with short-term or long-term counselling will be made. A Campus Chaplain is also available to counsel with students, staff and faculty.


As the Bible is the comprehensive and authoritative standard for faith, life, and doctrine, each student is expected to be a student of the Scriptures. It is hoped the student will go beyond this level to become a scholar of the Word, which is profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction and instruction (II Tim. 3:16-17).

Chapel services, twice weekly, emphasize evangelism, worship, mission, and devotion. Guest leaders on Campus offer additional resources for the student. A student-directed Spiritual Life Committee engages the student in community service, and supervises chapels, and co-ed devotions.

Each Fall semester the campus co-hosts with the Camrose Church of God a series of services for a period called Spiritual Enrichment Week. Each Spring semester the College hosts the S.R. Belter Memorial Lecture Series.

The purpose of Gardner College is to prepare students for the vocation of Christian citizenship, service, and witness; this calls for each student to be active in a local congregation. Each student is also encouraged to regularly engage in a service project. Furthermore, regular participation in chapel activities is expected throughout the student’s program.


The Dormitory

            The dormitory includes fourteen rooms, each room containing two twin beds or a bunk bed, two desks, desk lamps and chairs. There is a semi-private washroom shared by an adjoining room. A coin-operated washer and dryer is located on each floor of the building.

            The dormitory houses male and female students, but the building is separated by design so that the genders are on different floors. Visitation of students in the dorm rooms of the opposite sex is restricted to special times of “open house” under the direction and supervision of the Residence Director(s). Gardner does not have an open dorm policy and the dorm is not co-ed.

Housing Policy

            All single students at Gardner are invited to live in dorm for all their years of study. Single students are required to live in College housing during their first two years unless they fall into one of the following categories:

            • over the age of 21

• students who live with their parents, or legal guardian and commute to the College.

• students who have special needs or circumstances which make dormitory living impossible. Permission in this case must be granted by Administration.

Housing for Married Students

            Married students are urged to come to Camrose well in advance of the beginning of College classes in order to find housing. The College will attempt to assist married students in finding suitable housing.

Motor Vehicles

            The use of vehicles by Gardner students is subject to the approval of the Administration and is to be considered a privilege and not a right. Students are permitted to have vehicles on campus as long as they obey the Alberta Motor Vehicle Manual and the College vehicle regulations as set forth in the Student Handbook. Administration maintains the right to cancel a student’s motor vehicle privilege. A specific parking space is assigned to a resident student and a fee charged. If available and the applicable parking fee is paid, non-resident students also have the option of a reserved parking spot with an electrical plug-in.

Food Services

            All resident students are required to board in the College cafeteria. The only exception to this rule is if a student has a special health problem. The College must be advised of such by way of a statement from the student’s doctor.


            Members of the Gardner College faith learning community agree to govern their behaviour by these principles of conduct:

            Each shall endeavour to live In harmony with others in the College community and therefore commit themselves to . . .

            Respect the history and Christian traditions of Gardner College.

            Respect others and be considerate of their rights.

            Respect the faith learning community by being open to receive instruction from others and to be guided by the teaching of God’s Word.

Each of these principles is founded upon the biblical understandings of a faith learning community.

            1.          We shall endeavour to so conduct ourselves by the principles of Scripture through our relationship with God that all persons shall speak of Christ whom we represent. (I Cor. 10:31)

          2.           We shall so learn the principles of Scripture that we may firmly grasp the will of God in every situation (Eph. 5:15-21), and live according to the standards given in God’s Word (Eph. 4:29,5:5). As followers of Christ we are exhorted to exercise our Christian liberty in “redeeming the time” that God has entrusted to us.

          3.           In the Spirit of Christ we shall learn, from our College leaders, mature and responsible relationships, self-discipline, loyalty to the truth, and the path of abundant living. (I Cor. 11:1)

          4.           The goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a faith that is genuine. (I Tim. 1:5)

          5.           Let us consider that learning and education are integral to improvement and change. Therefore, let us be willing to be taught and to change as we learn. (II Pet. 3:18)

          6.           Fulfilling Christ’s Great Commission (Matt. 28:19,20) is imperative for every believer, and the supreme task of the College.


            To provide opportunities for leadership development, student organizations are formed. These organizations function under the guidance of a faculty/staff advisor and exist to meet student interests.

Student Council – Government

            The Student Council is organized for the purpose of promoting the academic, social, physical and spiritual well-being of the student body. This government operates under its own bylaws. Student Council is made up of the following positions: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and the Chairpersons of the various committees.

Student Council – Committees

            The Student Council administers its responsibilities through committees. These include:

School Newspaper Committee which publishes the student paper

Yearbook Committee which publishes the College annual.

Social Athletic Committee which plans and promotes College social and sporting events

Campout Committee which plans the event

Spiritual Life Committee which promotes spiritual growth and ministry

Student Life Committee which gives guidance and oversight to student life on Campus consistent with the philosophy and principles of Gardner College

Student Council – Fellowships

            Students who wish to develop specialized interests through learning and ministry may do so through membership in a Fellowship. These Fellowships are to be approved by Faculty and Student Council. These programs are student initiated, and change from year to year.