Gardner College Facts

Type of School
              Gardner College is a post-secondary institution of Christian Higher Education located in Camrose, Alberta, Canada. Founded in 1933, its original and continuing goal is to prepare women and men for effective lives of servanthood.

              Gardner is affilliated with the Church of God in Western Canada. (International headquarters, Anderson Indiana, USA). It works in close cooperation with the Association of Canadian Bible Colleges.

              Camrose, Alberta is about 100 kilometres south-east of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

              1999-00 enrollment 38 Students; 5 fulltime faculty, 10 part-time faculty

              The Gardner campus presently includes Haggerty Hall, which houses offices, classrooms, cafeteria and library. Olsen Hall joins Haggerty Hall and houses the faculty offices and classrooms. Adam Hall is the residence dorm. Music facilities are located in Hildebrand Hall. Other buildings complete the campus site.

              An Academic year at Gardner consists of 2 four month Semesters

Student Body Profile
              About one half of Gardner students are from Alberta. Students from other provinces and International Students make up the rest of the student body.

Denominations Represented
              Students come to Gardner from many fellowships, including Anglican, Alliance, Baptist, Christian Reformed, Church of God, Lutheran, Pentecostal, Evangelical Covenant, and others.

              Tuition and Fees are approx. $ 3,900.00 per year Canadian. Room and Board is $ 3,200 per year Canadian. There are a variety of scholarships awarded to students and other financial assistance is available. Degree Study Programs at Gardner are eligible for Canada Student Loans through the Student Finance Boards of the Province where the student resides. U.S. Students studying at Gardner are eligible for the U.S. Federal Student Loan Program.