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   The College academic year is divided into two semesters of approximately fifteen calendar weeks each. One “credit hour” is understood to be one class hour per week of actual classroom participation. (A three credit course would meet three hours per week.) In addition, the student should spend two hours of preparation time for each hour in class. This defines the normal work load in terms of credit hour, and serves to guide the student in planning an individual course load, and is in keeping with a program similar to that of major universities.


   The normal academic load per semester is 15 hours. A student taking more than 18 hours must receive approval from the Academic Office.


   Grade reports are issued following the midterm and final grading period of each semester. A grade report will be given to the student, one copy will be filed with student records.    Grade reports include a record of Chapel attendance.

   Grades are assigned in each subject according to the grade earned at each grading period in the course. These grades are allotted according to the following schedule:

   % Grade                    Level of Work

   (90-100%)                              Excellent

   (80-89%)                                 Superior

   (70-79%)                                 Average

   (60-69%) (provisional pass)                  Poor

   (0-59%)                                      Failure

   The student’s weighted grade average is computed after each grading period.


   In any situation where a student is placed on academic probation for two consecutive semesters, the following steps are to be taken by the Dean of Faculty:

 1. The Dean of Faculty shall meet with the Registrar and the with the student’s Faculty Advisor (or where the situation merits, the student’s primary instructor) to discuss the particulars of the situation.

 2. From this consultation, a basic set of criteria, both academic and behavioural, shall be determined to be required of the student in his/her third semester of enrolment.

 3. The student will then be presented with these criteria by the committee who determined them. This step is designed to allow the student to respond to the criteria; also, to provide for clarity in interpreting/explaining the criteria to the student.

 4. After this meeting, the Dean of Faculty will draft a Registration Contract which will itemize in detail the criteria which the student must fulfill during his/her third semester of enrolment.

 5. A copy of this contract is to be signed by the student and placed in the student’s file in the Registrar’s Office.

 6. Photocopies of the contract are to be given to the student, the Dean of Faculty and the Faculty Advisor.

 7. The faculty and staff, in a regularly scheduled faculty staff meeting are to be notified of the student’s particular Registration Contract. This is to enable all faculty and staff to be supportive of the student in overcoming the difficulties that led to the probation.


   For full time students who must work to support themselves, the following maximum hours of employment is suggested. Other arrangements are to be made through the Academic Office.

Grade Percentage Hours of Employment
85-10040 hours
80-84%30 hours
75-79%20 hours
70-74%10 hours


   The choir tours are a part of the College curriculum, and all students may participate as part of their enrollment in the course.

   The College organizes and/or sponsors other tours in addition to choir. All students wishing to go on any tour which the College initiates and/or sponsors must be approved by an auditions committee established by the Administration and the Student Council.

   As basic guidelines the Auditions Committee will:

 1. Ensure that the student has demonstrated living a Christian life as understood by the Church of God, and publicly bears testimony of that Christian life.

 2. Ensure that the student has and will demonstrated genuine support for the life and spirit of Gardner College, and that his/her attitude is one of responsible positiveness.

 3. Ensure that the student is actively working to complete either a one-year certificate, two-year diploma or Baccaluareate program, or is successfully completing their designated program at Augustana University College, or is enrolled in another transfer program.

 4. Further, the student must be meeting the requirements for their respective program.

   All students approved by the Auditions Committee are subject to ratification by the Faculty prior to the announcement of their selection to a tour group.


   The standard for admission to the Degree program is a high school diploma which meets the university entrance requirements of a person’s home province or state.

   The standard for admission to a certificate or diploma program is a certificate of graduation from high school.


     Students attending Gardner College are required to take English as one of the course requirements in the total program offerings. The number of courses and type of courses varies from program to program, and the current catalogue should be consulted as to the current requirements for the different programs.

     In any case, upon enrolment, a student who fails to achieve a score of 65% or higher in their senior English course in High School will be required to take English 100 prior to enrolling in English 221. In the case where a student fails English 221, the student must take and successfully complete English 100 prior to being admitted into English 221 once again.


  In order for an elective course to be offered in any given term, the College requires a minimum of three students to be enrolled. If there is not an adequate number of interested students, the student(s) will need to take another course option.


   Students 21 years or older who are deficient in high school requirements may apply under special arrangements. The number of students to be admitted on this basis is determined by the Academic Office. A minimum of one full year of study must be completed with a grade point of 70% or higher to confirm acceptance into the B.Th. program.


   All students transferring from another college must submit transcripts and record of campus citizenship. Prior to admission to a Gardner program, the transfer student’s academic standing will be reviewed and assessed.

   No course from another institution will transfer to Gardner unless a mark of “C” or better was earned in the course.

   In order to determine the transferability of any course to Gardner, an individual comparison of syllabi and/or course descriptions will be made by the Registrar and the Dean of Faculty.

   A minimum of 25% of the student’s program must be completed at Gardner College. In addition, the Internship must be completed under the supervision of Gardner faculty by the student seeking a B.Th. or B.S.M. Degree.


    Each student at Gardner is issued a Gardner Student Handbook at the beginning of their academic career with the college. The Handbook includes many policies and guidelines that give direction to our life together as a faith/learning community. These policies include class attendance and decorum, chapel attendance, cafeteria use, library procedures among many others. The Handbook also include he Constitution and Bylaws for the Gardner Student Union. Policies for appealing grades and for exam or course work changes and extensions are also in the Handbook. Students are expected to familiarize themselves with the material in the Handbook, and to live according tot he guidelines contained in the Handbook.


1.   Submit a completed application form.

2.   Submit an official copy of all high school and post-secondary transcripts.

3.   Submit a completed Health form. Early Childhood Development and Child Youth Care Worker applicants must also be current on immunizations and will be required to submit both a police criminal record check and a CWIS check..

4.   Submit reference forms as requested.

5.   If the student is intending to live on campus, the student may make application for dormitory reservation.

The course selection process of registration is to be completed on the day of registration or for returning students on the day of pre-registration..

NOTE: Students registering at Gardner College are expected to be familiar with the regulations and requirements as set out in this Catalogue and the Student Handbook.


The student who is accepted for study at Gardner will be accepted under the following definitions:

FULL ACCEPTANCE is granted to any student who…

 1. has high school matriculation

 2. has achieved a cumulative percentage equivalent to a C+ or higher in high school standing.

   Such acceptance means that the student could enroll in any course, subject only to prerequisite requirements; and, could take a responsible course load.

PROVISIONAL ACCEPTANCE will be given to those students who have not completed the application and orientation process in its entirety. Students not completing the process during their first semester will have their grades withheld, and may not be allowed to register for second semester, nor any additional semester, until the application and orientation process is completed.

   Provisional acceptance may be given to any student in addition to any other category of acceptance which is granted.

CONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE is granted to any student who…

 1. has a high school diploma (without matriculation)

 2. has achieved a cumulative percentage equivalent to 75% or higher in high school standing.

Such acceptance means that the student could enroll in any course, with a course load not to exceed 12-15 hours, and to be determined in consultation with the Faculty Advisor.

PROBATIONARY ACCEPTANCE may be granted to those students who are admitted, but have not met the catalogue requirements.

Such acceptance means that the student could enroll in any course, with a course load not to exceed 9-12 hours, and to be determined in consultation with the Faculty Advisor. All other restrictions related to Academic Probation shall apply.


   Foreign students, for whom English is not their primary language, to be accepted and granted Full Acceptance, must have passed TOEFL with at least 550 prior to admission.

   The following information is taken from a Canadian Government Publication prepared for the guidance of foreign students planning to take courses at Canadian universities, colleges or other schools.*

   If you intend to enroll in a course of study in Canada, there are a number of important matters that will need your attention before you leave your country. These preparations may take more time than you anticipate, so you should start to make your plans at least twelve months in advance of the academic year during which you intend to study in Canada.

   Canada’s immigration law regulates the movement of all people into the country, including those who wish to enter for both short-and long-term courses of study.

   After you have been accepted for a course of study, you should apply for a student authorization at the nearest Canadian government office in the country where you live. An officer there will tell you how to proceed and which of the following documents you will need:

● a Visa, unless you are a citizen of a country which is exempt from Canada’s visitor Visa requirement;

● evidence of your acceptance by a Canadian university, college or other institution;

● evidence of your good character and, if applicable, a letter from your sponsoring organization;

● certificate of medical clearance;

● evidence of adequate funds to live and study in Canada, including return transportation; and

● your valid passport.

* NOTE: “Facts for Foreign Students” This publication may be obtained from the college’s Admission Office.

If you are a citizen or resident of the United States, or a resident of Greenland, or St. Pierre and Miquelon, you have the option of applying at the port of entry on arrival in Canada. But if you do come you must meet the same requirements as if you were applying abroad, including possession of all necessary documents, before an authorization can be issued.


   Before a Student Authorization is granted, the student must be able to prove to the satisfaction of Canadian officials that they have sufficient funds for necessary expenses in Canada.

**  Foreign students are not normally allowed to work unless on-the-job training is a part of their course of study. There is no guarantee that an accompanying spouse will be able to obtain work, but it is possible for a spouse of a student to obtain a work permit. For more details contact the College’s Admissions Office.

   Upon arrival in Canada, immigration officers at the port of entry will request to see the Student Authorization and the Visa received from the Canadian Government Office abroad, and the documents needed to obtain them. Failure to have all the necessary documentation could mean refusal of entry to Canada.


  A special information sheet describing the requirements and benefits for foreign students choosing to study at Gardner is available through the Admissions Office. Any foreign student interested in pursuing the idea of attending Gardner should write for this fact sheet.